Publicado: 2020.02.07. Who is investing in gold and silver

Who is investing in gold and silver - Vista previa

Who can invest in gold and silver when Central banks pursue a policy of low interest rates? To answer this question, you need to understand what type of investors you belong to.
The fact is that when investing in precious metals, you need to determine your goal. As in any business, it is important to understand your preference. Someone is willing to take risks and invest all their capital in order to maximize profits, and for someone, the guarantee of preserving capital when investing is important. Some investors can immediately invest a large amount of money, while someone has the opportunity to invest in parts, but every month. Everyone has a different situation, so it’s important to understand what type of investors you are.
It is worth emphasizing that gold is a very reliable and safe means for investing capital, since the yellow precious metal has a history of many thousands of years as a means of payment and exchange. Its value remains for a long period of time, despite any financial crises.