게시됨: 2019.10.15. U.S. Gold: Downtrend in 2019

U.S. Gold: Downtrend in 2019 - 보기

As it became known, in the first half of 2019, the United States sent 116 tons of gold to the UK to provide ETF funds with physical precious metals. But overall, US gold exports are declining.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) published data from which it follows that in June 27.2 tons of precious metals were exported from the country - export growth of + 12% compared to May, but -31% less than June 2018. In general the same trend is aimed at a further decline in US gold exports to other countries.

Most of the gold from the United States with a volume of 17.4 tons was shipped to the UK, as there are "gold" ETF funds in London, the shares of which are provided with physical precious metals. The fact is that over the past few months there has been a significant influx of capital into ETF funds amid rising global gold prices. In total, in the first six months of 2019, supplies of yellow precious metals from the USA to the UK amounted to 116 tons.

Another major recipient of American gold is Switzerland. In June, 3.8 tons of yellow precious metal were sent to this European country. It is worth recalling that Swiss refineries process half of the world's gold. Another 2.8 tons of gold was sent to India. There was no direct supply of American gold to China.

On the other hand, in June this year, 12.7 tons of gold were imported to the United States - this is an increase of + 21% compared to May, but -26% less than June 2018. Mexico became the largest supplier of yellow precious metals with a volume of 6 tons Mostly it was not processed gold. Another 1.6 tons were imported from Canada. Most likely, we are talking about gold investment coins “Maple Leaf”, which are minted by the Canadian Royal Mint. Thus, the total gold imports to the USA in the first six months of this year amounted to 172.7 tons, which is -30% less than the same period in 2018.

It turns out that the net export of American gold in June amounted to 14.5 tons, and for the first half of 2019 this indicator amounted to 102.5 tons, which is -26% less than the same period last year.