게시됨: 2020.12.21. TDS: the best time for gold is yet to come

TDS: the best time for gold is yet to come - 보기

“The main catalyst for rising prices will be low interest rates and almost zero yield on government bonds. In the short and long term, interest rates will stop rising. At the same time, financial assistance from the state and vaccinations should contribute to the restoration of the world economy. As a result, the risk of the start of inflation will increase, which in turn will support the cost of the yellow precious metal, "- this forecast was announced by the bank's analysts. The bank also proceeds from the assumption that the average price of gold at the end of 2021 will be trading at around $ 2050 per ounce, and then will continue to rise to $ 2225. Even if in the coming months there are prerequisites for the price to rise to $ 2,100, analysts advise to be careful. The outlook for silver is in many ways similar to gold, which means it is generally positive. Next year, the growth will continue to $ 30 per ounce. “There is a positive trend in the silver market, especially when the situation for the gold market is favorable. Therefore, silver will also respond positively to macroeconomic, political and fiscal factors, like the yellow precious metal, "- said in a review by TDS Bank.