已发表: 2021.08.30. Paul de Sousa: gold is a long-term investment

Paul de Sousa: gold is a long-term investment - 观看

However, Paul de Souza of Sightline Wealth Management said he is considering the longer term future of the precious metal. “Gold is an asset of generations, so I practically don’t care what will happen to the price of precious metals in the near future,” the expert said.
“Those who own gold understand this, and the current situation is just a minor annoyance. This is a long-term investment. " De Souza expects further weakening of the gold price this year, while the market remains uncertain. However, he said, there is a possibility that the US Federal Reserve will not tighten its monetary policy if the Delta strain causes more chaos or a fifth mutation appears; The Fed may even boost liquidity.
Those who have not yet accumulated gold should take advantage of any market correction to buy it at lower prices. “Plan for the worst and hope for the best and everything will be fine in the end,” he concluded.