Published: 2020.12.07. Metals Focus: gold price rise to $ 2300 in 2021

Metals Focus: gold price rise to $ 2300 in 2021 - Preview

According to the published forecast, in 2021, the cost of one ounce of gold may rise to the level of $ 2,300. As for silver, the average cost of this precious metal will amount to $ 28.60 per ounce next year, although the possibility of reaching $ 30 cannot be ruled out. “Precious metals are currently under significant pressure as investors have returned to the cyclical stock market with news of working vaccines against the coronavirus,” said Neil Meader of Metals Focus. “But we doubt that the optimism in the stock market will last long. The fact is that the distribution of vaccines around the world will take a long time. Thus, we believe that in mid-2021 the situation will still not return to normal dock-like channels. " According to analysts, the gold market will receive support to continue the upward trend from stimulus measures from central banks, low yields on government bonds, as well as from the risk of inflation. Low yield on government bonds makes gold storage more profitable. They can no longer serve as insurance against stock market volatility. The yellow precious metal will act as a protective asset. It has proven its protective function during previous crises.