已发表: 2021.08.02. Mark Mobius: only physical possession of gold

Mark Mobius: only physical possession of gold - 观看

The founder of the investment company Mobius Capital Partners believes that long-term investors should increase their positions in the yellow precious metal with each correction in its value. “In the long term, gold is a stable asset for every investment portfolio,” says Mark Mobius.
According to the expert, the share of the yellow precious metal in the investment portfolio should be from 5% to 10%. However, it is better to own gold not in the form of shares of the respective ETF funds, but best of all in physical form - coins and bars. He insistently emphasized this point, since the safety of capital may depend on this in the future, especially if another financial crisis breaks out in the world.
As for Bitcoin, Mobius is pessimistic about its prospects. According to the expert, the only driver of its growth is the enthusiasm and belief of people around the world that this cryptocurrency can make them rich, since examples of such a get-rich-quick get-together are very often covered in the media. We are also now seeing how governments of different countries are beginning to put pressure on the cryptocurrency market, introducing some restrictions or only planning to do so.