Publicado: 2020.02.18. Gold mining in the USA in 2019

Gold mining in the USA in 2019 - Vista previa

The USGS report also reports that about 7% of gold was produced as a by-product in the processing of precious metal ores. The recycling of yellow precious metals in 2019 amounted to approximately 130 tons, which is + 11% more compared to 2018. Gold consumption in the United States amounted to 150 tons compared to 160 tons in 2018.
Also, the US Geological Survey recently published information on gold mining in different countries of the world by the end of 2019. From these data it follows that China continues to be the world leader in gold mining with a volume of 420 tons. Australia came in second with 330 tons, but Russia took third place with a production of 310 tons of gold. In total, last year, 3,300 tons of yellow precious metal were produced in the world - exactly the same as in the previous 2018.