게시됨: 2019.07.25. Giant coin of gold brought to New York

Giant coin of gold brought to New York - 보기

The Australian Mint in the city of Perth (The Perth Mint) brought the world's largest gold coin to the American city of New York. Thus, he wants to advertise his new ETF fund.

It is worth recalling that the mass of the Australian coin is 1 ton, which corresponds to approximately 31.150 ounces. The diameter of the giant coin is almost 1 meter, and the thickness is 13 centimeters. The current value of the coin is estimated at 40.18 million euros, with a gold price of 1,250 euros per ounce.

The largest gold coin in the world with the image of a kangaroo was delivered from Australia to New York in compliance with the most stringent security measures. She was put up in the open air for just one day in front of the New York Stock Exchange.

The Australian Mint brought its giant coin to the United States as part of an advertising campaign to promote its new "gold" ETF fund. He was named Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF (AAAU). According to the Mint, this is the first gold ETF in the world, which will be guaranteed by the government of the country. At the same time, most of the physical gold that will cover the fund’s shares is located at the very mint in the city of Perth (Western Australia).

"With the help of a 1 ton gold coin, we intend to show people how a large amount of capital can be saved with a relatively small item. We do everything to popularize gold ownership among the population," said The Perth Mint head in an interview with Kitco News .