Since the beginning of 2020, gold has been in high demand due to its status as a protective asset in times of crisis. For the whole of 2019, the growth of precious metals amounted to 18%, and in the first half of this year it grew by 17%. It was a really
Published: 2020.07.14.
Analysts at the Canadian investment bank TD Securities believe that in the third quarter of this year, the gold market will feel quite confident. This was reported by Kitco News with reference to a review of the bank.
Published: 2020.07.13.
Analyst Francisco Blanche from the American bank Bank of America spoke in an interview with Bloomberg about the situation in the gold market. Back in April of this year, investment bank analysts raised their forecast for gold prices.
Published: 2020.07.11.
Investor Frank Holmes, who also runs U.S. Global Investors, believes that over the next three years, the price of gold could rise to $ 4,000 per ounce, if the balance of the US Federal Reserve again becomes a guideline for precious metals.
Published: 2020.07.07.
The world's first digital currency, backed by physical gold, appeared in India. This was made possible thanks to the collaboration of three companies at once: IBMC, US Gold Currency Inc. and blockfills. New currency circulation has also been launched in A
Published: 2020.07.06.
Most people in the world do not understand the essence of gold for many reasons. This is because the yellow precious metal receives little attention from the media. Politicians and economists are in no hurry to tell ordinary people about the importance of
Published: 2020.07.02.
On June 24, 2020, gold quotes broke the mark of $ 1,778 per ounce against the backdrop of increased investor fears about the spread of the pandemic in Latin America and the “second wave” approaching the United States, Germany and China. The profitability
Published: 2020.06.30.
Gold is currently trading at highs since 2012, receiving support from concerns about a second wave of coronavirus in the fall. The situation in Hong Kong is also of concern to investors after China published the text of the bill on national security. This
Published: 2020.06.29.
The price of gold has continued to consolidate since mid-April, causing mixed feelings among investors. Although such “rest periods” in the gold market occur frequently, since since August 2018, the price of gold has been able to grow by almost 50%.
Published: 2020.06.25.
Investment advisors recommend their customers buy more gold this year. This is due to an increase in global instability caused by the spread of coronavirus in many countries of the world. The policy of the central banks will also support the gold market.
Published: 2020.06.24.