Publicado: 2019.06.05. Dubai is booming in the gold market

Dubai is booming in the gold market - Vista previa

As it became known recently, in the past 2018, the emirate of Dubai imported gold for a total of 65 billion euros. The gold market employs more than 4,000 companies. Buyers from neighboring countries come to the Dubai gold market.

The Dubai Economic Development Authority (DED) recently published a review of the regional gold market. It reports that the emirate has become a place of attraction for various participants in the precious metals market in the Middle East. Over the past 10 years, a large number of different companies have appeared in Dubai, which are directly connected with the yellow precious metal. Basically we are talking about the production of gold jewelry and precious metal processing.

According to the report, 4,086 companies are actively operating in the Dubai gold market, most of which are owned by Indians. The number of investors in gold is estimated at 61.125 people: 60.012 men and 2.113 women.

The structure of companies in the Dubai gold market is as follows:

- 2.498 firms are licensed to trade jewelry in gold and silver;

- 184 companies are registered to trade in gold and other precious metals;

- 392 jewelry companies;

- 7 companies engaged in the production of gold;

- 5 companies are in the category "Refining and gold processing".

Investors and analysts may be interested in data on turnover in the Dubai gold market. In the past 2018, it amounted to 274 billion dirhams. Compared with 2017, the increase was + 3%. Imports of gold in the emirate is estimated at 34 billion euros. Deliveries of gold are carried out from 30 countries. Dubai attracts a huge number of tourists from all over the world, who provide a significant part of the yellow precious metal sales.