Publicado: 2017.06.28. Changes in the marketing plan

Changes in the marketing plan - Vista previa

Dear friends!

To increase the effectiveness of participation in the advertising and bonus program,

REAL GOLD has changed the marketing plan in a small business circle since 28.06.2017.

Removing the small link, we have increased the speed of the links.

To participate in the marketing program,

you have to buy a gold bar 100 g or pay a deposit 130 euros.

Now the Advertising-bonus Program becomes even more and more effective.

And the ability to exhibit clones and participate in all bonus segments makes it super profitable for each participant of the program.

All business places on links with value 58 Eurobonds are transferred to links with value 130 Eurobonds without changes and additional conditions and additional payments with a reward of 420 euros.


The Administration