已发表: 2019.05.06. Cases of unusual finds of gold and silver

Cases of unusual finds of gold and silver - 观看

Throughout the history of mankind, people always bury gold and silver in the ground, if their goal is to hide the precious metal from unauthorized persons. This method was and is the most reliable to hide valuables. Even in our time come across treasures that were simply buried in the ground.

Over the past decade, it was possible to read various reports about how a buried treasure with objects of gold and silver was found in a particular country. Of course, it was immediately difficult to determine whether it was a question of stolen wealth, or it was the accumulation of wealthy people. The following are only a few cases where people suddenly stumbled upon a hidden treasure.

One of the known cases occurred in 1999, when the Briton Eric Lewis, with the help of his metal detector, came across a treasure trove with objects made of precious metals in an open field. He immediately reported his find to the local authorities. The treasure contained 30 kg. gold and silver coins, jewelry and tableware from the time of ancient Rome. The UK government paid Lewis $ 2.3 million for the discovery

Another incident occurred in 2017, when entrepreneur Nick Meade bought an old tank at eBay for $ 40,000. He later found five large gold bars worth $ 1.2 million in tanks of the tank. There is an assumption that during Kuwait’s invasion of Iraq in 1990, Iraqi soldiers stole the gold and hid it in a tank. Mead voluntarily gave the gold bars to the local authorities.

Another case occurred in New York, when the children of the deceased father decided to open a bank cell in order not to pay $ 800 for its rent. Much to their surprise, there were 16 large bags in the vault, each containing 1,000 silver coins. These were the so-called "Morgan Dollars", which were minted between 1878 and 1904. Experts estimated the cost of the treasure at $ 1.5 million.

Another case occurred relatively recently, namely in 2013, when a couple in Northern California discovered several tanks in their plot, in which there were 1,400 gold coins. They were minted between 1847 and 1894. The nominal value of the coins was only $ 28,000, and the collection value was estimated at $ 10 million. This finding of gold coins is currently considered the largest in US history.