게시됨: 2020.02.06. Australian gold demand in January 2020

Australian gold demand in January 2020 - 보기

The Australian Mint, located in the city of Perth (The Perth Mint), published official data on the sale of gold and silver in January of 2020. It follows from them that the previous month showed an increase compared to the same period in 2019.
The official data on sales of precious metals in January of this year was published on the site of the mint. It follows from them that in January 2020, significantly more gold and silver were sold compared to the same period in 2019.For example, 48.299 ounces of gold were sold, which is + 54% more than in January 2019. Moreover, January This year, it became the best in gold sales since January 2017. But compared with December 2019, there was a decrease in sales by -38%.