Analyst Christopher Wood believes that the Central Bank of India will soon be forced to start selling gold from its reserves. In his forecast, he refers to the deterioration of the economic situation in the country.
Publicado: 2020.06.04.
The coronavirus crisis did not significantly affect the export of gold from Switzerland. In April 2020, 111 tons of yellow precious metal were exported from the Alpine Republic to the United States. The fact is, the American futures exchange COMEX urgentl
Publicado: 2020.06.02.
The price of gold may rise over the next twelve months to $ 2,000 per troy ounce amid worsening economic problems in many countries of the world. This forecast was announced by the investment company VanEck.
Publicado: 2020.05.29.
The Kitco News news agency, covering the global precious metals market, published an interview with Alex Mashinsky, director of Celsius Network. He spoke about the current situation in the global economy and finance.
Publicado: 2020.05.28.
Bloomberg reported that the yellow precious metal is now the most profitable exchange asset, increasing in price by 15%. Gold quotes since January rose $ 250, reaching $ 1,725 ​​per troy ounce.
Publicado: 2020.05.27.
Analysts at the American investment bank JP Morgan published a market review in which they indicate that the national currencies of many countries will depreciate, and gold in this situation will be the only winner.
Publicado: 2020.05.26.
The famous investor and analyst Peter Schiff gave an interview to Kitco News, in which he spoke about the situation in the gold market and the role of yellow precious metals in the current situation with the currencies of different countries.
Publicado: 2020.05.25.
US data showed that US gold miners were able to produce 1 million ounces less gold during quarantine compared to the previous quarter.
Publicado: 2020.05.22.
The price of gold pleases investors almost from the very beginning of the current 2020. Analysts believe that by the end of this year it can overcome the mark of $ 1900 per ounce. It is reported by CNN Business. Now the precious metal is trading at $ 1,75
Publicado: 2020.05.20.
The price of gold traded last Friday at around 1,610 euros per ounce, thus setting a new record in European currency. But not only in the Eurozone, the value of the yellow precious metal shows new records.
Publicado: 2020.05.18.